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Powder Coverage Calculator
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How to use this tool

This calculator generates estimates based on 1 lb of powder.

Enter your values under the "Input" area and click calculate to get started.

  • Specific Gravity: this number can be located on each powders' application guide (PDF) under the "Powder Characteristics" section. Or, you can browse our documents section for your powder.
  • Transfer Efficiency: percentage (1-100%) that your powder will adhere to your part.
  • Mil Thickness: number used to determine how many "mils" or how thick your coating will be.
  • Cost per lb (optional): financial cost of powder per 1 lb. Shown on each of our powder product pages.
  • Your Sq Meter (optional): square feet of your part. Sq Meter = Length x Width. This value cannot exceed the Sq Meter Coverage.
  • Sq Meter Coverage: represents the estimated Sq Meter coverage 1 lb of powder would yield.
  • Cost / Sq Ft: the estimated cost per Sq Ft.
  • Cost: your estimated total cost based on your partSq Ft.
  • lb Needed: estimated amount of powder needed (out of 1 lb).


Powder Coverage = 192.3/Specific Gravity/Mils x Transfer Efficiency
At first glance, you’re probably wondering where this mystery 192.3 number is coming from? Well, it turns out
that that number is the Powder Coating Industries’ standard. The number is equal to the square footage
coverage per one pound of powder at a standard specific gravity of 1.0 and a thickness of 1 mil with 100%
transfer efficiency. What this all boils down to is that it’s a benchmark for one pound of powder which we can
then use to help determine coverage based on more real-world inputs.

Specific gravity is a measure of molecular weight. These values are in our product application guides. NOTE: not
all powders have the same specific gravity value.

Transfer efficiency is the percentage of powder that adheres to your part. This number is completely subjective,
but keep in mind that at 100% you’d have zero waste and zero overspray in your application. Everything from
equipment to experience to setup can be determining factors for this value. Transfer efficiency is affected first
and foremost by the setup of the spray gun as well as proper grounding. Kilovolt and microamp adjustments (if
you gun has them) provided by spray gun manufacturers, are there to assist in adjusting transfer efficiency.
Typically, the KV number (0-100) represents the voltage potential (percentage) available. Microamps manage
the delivery of the voltage (KV) potential. The two settings work in conjunction to enable the applicator to find
the best setting for maximum transfer efficiency for the given project/conditions. These settings will change
due to variable factors and conditions including: part substrate, powder used, part shape, climate, humidity,
etc. There is a misconception that a setting value of 100 will achieve the best results. This is not always true due
to the above mentioned factors.

Mil thickness is the coating thickness measured in “mils” (.001 of an inch, not millimeters). Your desired mil
thickness will come down to user preference and the job requirements. We highly recommend using a digital
mil thickness gauge as this is the most effective and accurate way to measure mil thickness.

Coverage Calculator – COATECH – Powder Coating